Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ein Neues Worterbuch!!! (a new dictionary)

Just bought a new English-German dictionary from B&N cause mine is a big piece of sheissa... Aaron said he really likes his Collins dictionary, and the Spanish version that my mom has that's made by them seems really good, so I figured I'd go with the Collins concise German dictionary, oh yeah, I can feel the excitement! Not only does it have plenty of dirty words in it, but it also has over 208,000 entries and an entire grammar section!!! Hear that Herr Place? GRAMMATIK!!! ...anyway, it's pretty sweet...

ps I fly out Saturday

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Packing... or a lack thereof...

So far my packing has amounted to unloading one bag of laundry. All of my things are still packed away from moving out of the dorms and I haven't even unloaded my backpack from the last camping trip. I wonder if I should use my backpack or just go with the traditional suitcase? Well... back to procrastinating...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Angst und Freuen (Fear and Excitement)

So starting out I was really scared.  I didn't know anyone in the group I was going with, I obviously don't know anyone at the university in Germany, I didn't know who my host family would be or anything about them, and on top of all of that I've only been taking German for 2 years.  So I was afraid of whether or not the people I would be with would be cool or not mostly, and then also somewhat nervous about other things like money and packing, but mostly the people. So I've been talking with my host family through e-mail and they seem AWESOME!!!  They have three kids all in Gymnasium (high school), they all play music, and then on top of that there is a dog, two guinea pigs, a rabbit, and four (count 'em, 4) sheep!  And then I'm going to be in the basement with a bedroom and bathroom all furnished with antique (1870 and 1920!!!) furniture!  How awesome is that!  And on top of my host family seeming great (there is still quite a bit to be seen so I'm still kinda nervous), I hung out with some of the people going with me from school and they were really cool/fun/nice.  I think it's gunna be a good trip...